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Moor Bluetooth Headset – Review


I’ve never really felt the need to use a bluetooth headset. Usually, they are overpriced devices which produce very poor music quality and look silly when they are used instead of a phone. This seems like quite a big price to pay just for the luxury of not having a wire all the time.

Then I started using the Moor M2002 Premium headset, which caught my eye because of the reasonably low price of £29.99, and the design which appeared to be extremely subtle on the product listing.

When it arrived, I was instantly impressed with the Moor headset. When I asked to review it, I was almost already prepared to dislike it, due to my previous opinions of bluetooth headsets, however I have been pleasantly surprised.


The build quality of the headset is the most impressive feature. It is made mostly out of plastic however it feels extremely premium, no cheap or creaky plastic here. The power button and the music controls live on the outside of the right ear, which is easy to access however you need to be aware of the button placement before you use it, otherwise you’ll accidentally skip the song or turn the headset off. The buttons do work very well though, with a delay of less than a second between the button press and the action being carried out.

The sound quality of this headset isn’t going to blow your mind. In fact, I have a set of Sony headphones which cost £20 last year which were able to produce better sounding music, and were able to contain the music a lot more. However, part of what you’re paying for here is the ability to do everything wireless, meaning if you’re wanting something to listen only to music with, this isn’t for you.

Inside the house, it was quite noticeable that the music quality was slightly muffled. This wasn’t a major problem, however for serious listening time it would probably get annoying. Over the past two weeks, every time I have left the house I have taken the Moor headset with me to listen to music as I walk or sit on the bus, and the quality is more than adequate for such activities, although it would be better if the sound was contained a little more.

The call quality on the headset was incredible for the price. I received a call from a number of friends while walking in extremely strong winds, and was able to hear the person perfectly. I was also told that I was heard perfectly, as if I was holding the phone to my head as usual. This surprised me as the headphones are designed like regular over-ear ones, without a microphone on your cheek.

To conclude, I have been extremely impressed by the Moor MR002 headset. I prepared myself for the worst, and what I got was a pleasant surprised. While the music quality isn’t suitable for the serious listener, it’s more than enough for people who are out a lot, and want something they can use as a substitute for their mobile.

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