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BF3 | Tweaks since BETA & No in-game chat for PC

DICE have confirmed a number of new features and tweaks since the Beta version of the game, in an interview with GameSpy.

In the beta, PC users were left without in game chat, meaning the user had to create a party in Battlelog, and join the game with their friends. This will still be the case in the retail release, but DICE to admit that they aware that this makes users unhappy, so it remains hopeful that they may include it in an update.

When asked about the over powered guns that seemed to have a place in the BETA, DICE responded saying that they had tweaked almost everything gun related, including power and hit detection. They also said that they have dimmed down the flashlights, so less blinding teammates.

Another annoyance that was in the BETA was the inability to join a specific squad, or invite a friend to a squad once in a game. This has changed in the retail release, meaning that once a player is in a game, they will still be able to move around squads to suit their fancy.

Throughout the interview, DICE were eager to express that the BETA was an old version of the game, and to still have faith in the full release despite some bad first impressions.

Read the full interview here: Gamespy

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