Category : Apple
Google Recommends The iPad…To Giraffes
The battle between Google and Apple will probably never end. Both companies produce amazing products which are tested and compared each year, and usually the public decides on a winner. One thing we never thought...
iOS: StatNut, Beautifully Track Your Social Stats
StatNut is a brilliantly designed application for iPhone which allows you to track the stats of your social network accounts in a colourful and easy to read user interface. StatNut currently supports Dribbble, Tumblr, YouTube,...
Batman Uses Apple Maps In Dark Knight Parody
Apple maps have been the subject of much criticism since it launched alongside iOS 6 last month, with most people being outraged at how unclear and incorrect many directions and locations appear on the app. So...
iPad Mini Rumours 2012
The iPad Mini is one of the most highly anticipated gadgets around right now, especially now that the iPhone 5 is official and released. The smaller version of the succesful Apple tablet is still merely...