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Answer Random Questions on Twitter

You Asked It Twitter

At the moment, the main way to get answers to a question is to use something like Yahoo Answers, unless you know how to Google something which is usually so much quicker. Anyway, Yahoo Answers is currently the biggest platform or question and answers, but a new service aims to bring that idea to Twitter.

The idea is very similar to chatrooms which connect you with random strangers, but instead of getting an explicit webcam stream, you get presented with a question asked by another Twitter user, which you can choose to answer or skip to the next tweet.

The idea of the service is good, however the service only determines something as a question by seeing if it has a question mark. Now, the majority of tweets with question marks are sarcastic comments, rhetorical questions and pointless problems such as “What should I eat today?”. It would be good if the service could work out some way to filter out the boring tweets and only present the questions that are actually worth answering, but I don’t see anyway they can do that.

If you want to give it a whirl, head over to the link below.

Source: You Asked It, The Verge, PSFK 

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