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Android app Design

Action Launcher Pro for Android

action launcher pro

In the past few years, applications have been released to do just about everything you could possibly want. Applications for fun, productivity and even survival are popular on each platform’s appropriate app market place, but in the case of Android, my favourite apps are Home Replacements. Android is the only mainstream operating system which allows you to change the user interface through something so simple as an application, and Action Launcher Pro is a prime example of how to tweak Android for the better.

At first glance, Action Launcher Pro looks almost exactly the same as holo-based Android, with the exception that the app drawer button in the middle is missing. The reason for this is that the applications are all stored in an easy-to-access drawer, accessible by simply swiping to the right.

Action Launcher Pro is developed by Chris Lacy, who also created Tweet Lanes. Unfortunately, there isn’t a free version of the app at the moment. However thanks to the brilliance of Google Play, you can get a refund if you are not 100% satisfied immediately.

Source: Redmond Pie, Google Play

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